Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This blog is at the request of some people who aren't patient. =)
Good news is I finished Isaiah. Started Jerimiah....already have read most of it.
Yesterday was fun. The Pilot light went out on both water heaters here. Yesterday morning I went to get in the shower and was like...Colorado cold water puts a whole new meaning to cold water in the book! I'm pretty sure it came straight from the Mountains!
Also yesterday a snow storm hit. Its pretty crazy when you can see it dumping on the mountains and know its coming for you next! I'm sure its beautiful....but right now...I'm cold. And snow doesn't look to pretty.
I went to a concert on sunday night. It was good. Bands like MercyMe and David Crowder, Fee, Francesca Batestelli, and ooooo...My fave EVER...Family Force Five. And skinny jeans were part of the uniform. MMMmmmmmmhum. I had no clue. And now....scared. FOREVER!
Family Force Five was just a fail of a band. They all had the same thing on. A Blue shirt thing...whit skinny jeans of course. Oh goodness. I wonder if anyone tells them whats appropiate to as and whats not. One guy was like...loosing his pants. EW! The "lead singer" was rolling around on the stage. He also said "colorado has a lot of good looking people, its okay to be christian and good looking". Thats the part where I just started laughing. I wanted to be like, do you realize how stupid you look? Because...we all do!
David Crowder was pretty awesome! I like him a lot better live then on CD. I know....backwards.
FEE was UH-MAZIN! The lead singer totally had his head on straight. And the songs were pretty cool too! MercyMe went last and started off with a Beatles song. (cough knew the song cough) I guess it made sense...kinda. Ok....I didn't really get it. But it was cool. Oh, and it was only ten bucks to get in! That was wicked sweet!
Thats about all thats worth mentioning. Well...and Remedy Drive needs to take a chill pill. They were....Um....They would be MUCH better on a CD. Where you don't have to watch them perform.

I went to some outlets, and got these necklaces for some people...who probably read this. Anyways....they are supposed to be a letter in the alphabet. one can figure out what letter its supposed to be. But it looks cool. And they were pretty cheap. SCORE!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I am TURNING INTO MY FATHER!!! 8pm I'm super TIRED! I'm like...lets go to bed...'k? How did this happen? WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa(this is just me you can skip the next bit)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anyways. I gotta go eat something. Finish up some projects. Stay confounded to the house all day. Fun things. =)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Do not eat the eggs!

So, this week I encountered something that I had never experienced before.
Food Poisoning.
I think my life can be long and complete if I never have to do that again. About the third or fourth trip to the Porcelain Throne all I could even think was "Please God, take me now! I don't wanna live. I just wanna die and have a perfect body where this kinda thing WON'T HAPPEN!" Obviously God did not take me, he must still have things for me to do.
God bless the Maid! She came in on Friday when 3 of us were incapacitated and disinfected EVERYTHING! changed all the sheets, and was really quiet! She was an ANGEL I am sure of it!

So now that you have the knowledge of all things gross, lets move on.
Indiana was interesting. Very....VERY cold. But not snowey. (HA-HA)
Snday morning we went to this really good breakfast place. (It was super good because I hadn't eaten "real" food in like 3 days) I think it was called...."charlie browns pancakes" maybe. Possibly not. Anyways....while I was there....I asked the waitress if the iced tea was cold or hot.
Ba-dum-TISH! (unfortunatly....its all true)